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A glance of the Songo Colony land before work commences.jpeg

A glance of the Songo Colony land before work commences,


Fencing the land and creating jobs for the community

Completed fence

Preparation for a borehole water well, expecting to use manual machine to dig 60 feet down the earth

Prayers before work men begins




Bore water well completed with water gushing out after five days of digging the well. Thank God

Good enough to drink

55 Completed bore water well with pump.jpeg

Completed bore water well with pump




After completion of the Bore-hole water Well, we were able to provide water for the Community at Songo Colony with a borrowed generator.  

It gives us great satisfaction to see the community accessing water from Stand In The Gap.

4th March 2023. Water pipe is connected through our fence for easy access of water for the community.


Building Before Demolition

1 Building before demolition.jpeg
3 Building before demolition.jpeg
2 Building before demolition.jpeg
4 Building before demolition sideview.jpeg
111 New foundation been dug.jpeg

New foundation being dug

2222 Men using water from the newly dig bore water well to make blocks for the new buildin

We are delighted to provide employment for the young people 

1111 Men using water from the newly dig bore water well to make blocks for the new buildin
11111 A good start by utilising some blocks from the demolition.jpeg

Men using water from the newly dug bore water well to make blocks for the new building.

22222 More blocks for the new building.jpeg
Wall level to date 20 February 2023.jpeg
2 Wall level to date 20 February 2023.jpeg

Wall level to date 20th February 2023

Wednesday 22nd February 2023

35 Station Road,
Songo Colony,
Sierra Leone,
West Africa

Contact number:
+232 80669695
+232 75456698
+232 99263974

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